She Ruined YouTube
YouTube is such a fun website back in the day until it got termination and demonization. For me, GOLD NA, I wrote this book after my channel got deleted and I am not the villain. I want you to explore what creativity and power are.
Published on November 23, 2022
THE BOOK (Available on Tapas, but with missing infromations)
On October 17, 2022, it was 8:05 am and I got an email on YouTube saying that they remove my channel, GOLD NA. I made a bunch of videos about Bobocomics, Mr. X Toons, thepanthom202, and Creedo. All of them are porn artists and therefore, I censor all my videos for this. But YouTube tries to play its game: SAFE-Friendly. I cannot hold this much longer. I want to express myself, not be like Susan herself. I almost lost myself over YouTube and therefore, it was the website that helps me boost my career as a comic book and children's book author. But NOOOOOO. YouTube is like, “You can’t do that. That is against the law!” Even now some channels allow child porn and illegal actions, but they still get paid and have lots of support from YouTube. I hate that. That is so unfair. But at least one of my subscribers sends a link to BitChute, a less strict version of YouTube. Result: OK. Well, you don’t get lots of views since it’s an alternative version that does not get enough money. But at least I can upload WHATEVER I WANT! Yes, I have seen hate crimes on that website, but what about my gay content? Yes. Don’t worry. I did make a new account on YouTube, but this time: I am still doing the 34s, along with life lessons on the real world, my opinions on life, reacting to -over-the-top unusual but FUNNY videos and comics, and more on my original work like Opal and Berryboom, Calaborne as Outwoods, Opposite of Human, and Confusing Worlds.
Well, I wanted to be a teacher but nobody listen. So either books or videos can teach people without having to take quizzes. But still, I am GOLD NA on BitChute as the continuation of FairyCosmos (that one website that has Fairy Odd Parent porn, and man, it’s cringe) and more gay content. Even ZoneSama and Bobocomics. At this time, I am writing this book to let you know: about my past as GOLD NA. The anime girl from Calaborne As Outwoods. I love being the YouTuber who reacts to cringe, strange, and fun yaoi content. I love yaoi so much that I make Calaborne As Outwoods one of its kind. OH YEAH!! But I am getting side track. Let me tell you a tale of how this all started, with rejections, removals, and heck: hate. Also, I am not adding my backstory, I like to talk about it but writing a memoir; it will take a million of pages and I don’t like that.
Chapter 1: The Penny Benny Jenny Show and Break Up (March 2019)
It was senior year in high school. It was the club fair and I was excited to get out of the first day of swim practice (it was a waste of time as we learn the basics) and get changed into a casual business shirt and skirt just to question my best friend at the time. The club fair seem fine until my best friend told me that my boyfriend was cheating on some hoe, I was MAD! I was almost Mortal Kombat his ass and push him hard, smashed my lollipop (don’t ask me why I have a lollipop) on the floor, and yelled like a monster. I then wailed and wailed and wailed and wailed and wailed and wailed. I HATE EVERYTHING!!! That ugly-rat-ass-slut-licking-son-of-a-gun just kissed my boyfriend and in the end, I was defeated. (Update: they broke up) Well before this happened, I was too nice to ask him out. But high school is the worst way to get a boy/girlfriend. Anyway, I was depressed and needed some relief, I decided to become the school superhero (I am not joking on this one) but then I have no time to go to the gym and was scared of going alone, I failed to be one (phew). Then I discover YouTube a while back. I always watch YouTube videos as a young girl and wanted to make one. I started to do animation, but it aged like milk.
The first video was an anti-smoking ad called “The ‘Greatest’ Smoking Ad Ever” The video introduce a round horse blowing a party horn while the title of the game show flashes up. The game started with a scholar asking, “What should you do when you found a cigarette on the ground?” One contestant answered to smoke it now. The elimination was a pitfall pressed by the scholar. The other contestant answered to toss it out. The rest of the quote was about side effects and feeding it to robots since cigarettes are made of chemicals that work for machines. It was crap but I wish I can send this to Internet Archive. One of my friends liked it and everyone else was like: ◑____◑. It was for my health class and we have to be very creative about our presentation.
After that impact of how domb it was I started to make more since my mental health was still down. It was March 27, 2019, as a seventeen creative person, I decided to make one of my childhood OCs back in 2012. It’s called The Penny Benny Jenny Show. The characters are Penny Rareeyes (the Ender Demon swordswoman), Benny Blaster (hologram gunslinger), and Jenny Jennifer Jenson (immortal 9-year-old battle summoner and worldlar). The three girls explore new places while fighting Wendal Clone (one-touch killer), Mary “Manic” Maniac (crazy machine swordswoman), and AWOL (worlder of Black Hole itself). Additional characters like Violet Deatheyes (her eyes can teleport a person anywhere), Lenny Legendary (Valalien staff wielder), and Virtual Viral (the fastest robot that speeds like a lightbulb). All the girls are super strong and fun to watch. It does not receive many views but got the idea to make Seasons 2 and 4 on Wattpad (Wattpad is broken to me) and the last season was made on paper since my iPad is broken. I conclude that series on January 4, 2021. I was supposed to make the super version of The Penny Benny Jenny Show with paper animation (think of the process of 1940s Tom and Jerry, yeah, I had to do that by the time) but canceled due to low productions. Season 1 had twentyseven episodes. Season 3 has fifteen episodes. Season 5 has three episodes. I still have the moments in my mind and I am still sad that YOUTUBE DELETED IT!!!!!!! (Remaster and fresh batch on The Penny Benny Jenny Show is coming in 2024). Fun fact: the last episode of each season has the title “Here is a disappointing episode to wrap up the season (season 1-4) and series (season 5).” Well, the show is a play-on being bad as my animation style is BOOTY (animation is not my favorite. I rush it) But still, the whole idea is Wendel hates Mary and sends her to the Kardashians. Yeah, it can be another story for another day.
To start with my first video:
1. The “Greatest” Smoking Ad: a game show where your answer is to toss away a cigarette, you will tell a PSA to not smoke and give cigarettes to robots, not humans.
THE PENNY BENNY JENNY SHOW (March 27, 2019- January 4, 2021)
The adventure starts with Penny RareEyes who is a 4 quadrillion-year-old happy-killing edge-lord but "sweety-pie" Ender Demon swords-woman, along with Benny Blaster who is a 4 trillion-year-old badass planet-made android cannoneer that has a loving of 80s rad, and Jenny Jennifer Jenson who is 9 years old is a fun-loving sexy formal princess ends up as a hero and the summoner over ten adorable summons that later has a special form, Buff Form. Together they go on an adventure to save their world or something else.
Updated since January 4, 2021, on Wattpad. That is the summary of the show.
The titles do not make sense and each episode is less than one minute. Ever since I made videos on yaoi, I did not look back on my old videos since they are cringe and hard to watch. I did not remember most of the names and what they look like. But the total number of episodes of season 1 is twentyseven, season 2 has nineteen episodes, season 3 has fifteen episodes, season 4 has nine episodes, and season 5 has three episodes, (wait, why am I repeating this- wait. This is my book, not a research paper, my fault- Literature minor has to know what a thesis is) Some will have unknown information because I do not remember most of them
Penny Rareeyes: a 4 quadrillion-year-old happy-killing edge-lord but "sweety-pie" Ender Demon swords-woman.
Benny Blaster: who is a 4 trillion-year-old badass planet-made android cannoneer that has a loving of 80s rad
Jenny Jennifer Jenson: who is 9 years old is a fun-loving sexy formal princess who ends up as a hero and the summoner of over ten adorable summons that later has a special form, Buff Form. Summons are included when you read the episode list.
(And yes, I copy and paste it, they are still good to me and I like the way it is)
Violet Deatheyes: Penny’s sister who loves guys, is the president of her WHITE Castle, and uses her eyes to teleport people somewhere else. She has a sheep/dog hybrid named Sheep who throws newspapers at her.
Lenny Legendary: a Valalien who loves guys, uses her staff to hit people, and hates Benny for some reason
Wendal Clone: The leader of the group, wants a population of Cell-HUMANS, who touch a person and dies. She dislikes the PBJ girls and Mary
AWOL: Created by Wendal to be the worldlar and the technician, she also plans to take all electronics to make Wendal’s Cell-HUMANS back into existence.
Mary Manic Maniac: an android alien who uses her cousins and micro bugs to kill enemies and annoys Wendal for some reason.
Virtual Viral: Wendal’s creation is here to kill Lenny an the PBJ girls.
1. want an apple pie: the first Penny Benny Jenny Episode where they go fishing and the first thing they caught is a green key for unlocking a legendary human. After that, Wendal and her group also went fishing to find the key but they got none.
i. This is the second time of animation and man, I did not add voice and it is the prototype.
2. Follow the green hat: The PBJ girls are cruising with their GlobeGlider while the WAM girls are attacking them. Penny bombed the WAM and they “died.”
i. I was enjoying making the cartoon and my depression was disappearing.
3. (Unknown title) The PBJ girls are in a cave and see a baby sea serpent. Jenny gave him her breast milk and the crystal on his body meant he is a summon. Jenny kept the baby while Benny found the next key. The WAM girls are at the cave and saw a twerking man-whatever. AWOL ate it and the key is gone.
i. The introduction to the twerking man-whatever. The idea was I combine Lafayette from Mark Seigel’s Sailor Twain and Dick Butt. I did not want to use him in the future since they are both characters created by someone else.
4. (Unknown title) The PBJ girls are potatoes for no reason and got the key first before the WAM came.
5. Before they fight: a WAM girl's origin where they need the key along with the many humans to create their subspecies of Cell-HUMANS, which humans are made along with a computer and creating a virus.
6. (Unknown title) The PBJ girls are taking a test: Jenny cheated with her brain summon, Benny scan the test for answers, and Penny uses a phone to cheat. They did not get a good score but the WAM girls succeed. Later, Benny received a letter that the first thing it said is: Eat a Dick.
7. (Unknown Title) The PBJ Girls finally got the last key and fight the legendary CANDY MAN. However, the WAM girls helped them fight it and it is dead.
8. Do 19 squats: Violet DeathEyes was sent to kill Hilary Clinton. She uses her dragon form to kill some weird thing.
9. (The title has something with green) Violet and Penny are sent by The Trinity of the Infinity, a goddess with galaxy hair and then Mary takes Penny for a fight.
10. (Unknown Title) The PBJ Girls are in a jungle and they found Towerlegs, who is a summon Jenny captured after feeding some "cheeseballs." Then Towerlegs evolves into a giant moth and takes the girls somewhere else.
11. You are a winner I: The PBJ girls are fighting the WAM girls and when Jenny and AWOL clash with each other to death, they disappeared. Penny screamed for Jenny.
12. You are a winner II: AWOL sends Jenny to the black pit (AWOL’s world) and AWOL was sent to Jenny’s world. Both Jenny and AWOL are worldlar and when they got back to the real world, Penny and Benny waited for Jenny and Wendal and Mary made a dirt stature of AWOL.
13. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
14. There are giving free books: Penny stretches her face to lick a bunny.
15. (Unknown Title) Penny has a super fan named Kalesshi (I like Game of Thrones except for season 8) and hands a fanart. Penny loves it but got attacked by Mary. Mary was then killed by Violet with her summon, a purple gem creature. Penny danced spazzing and Kalessi stretch her stomach to dance.
16. How to make curly fires: Wendal babysits Mary’s one hundred mini clones until she got exposed for a YouTube video. Note, the running gag is the clone's love pooping on Wendal.
17. (That one title was too long but I remember it said, “Hot Cheetos”) Jenny has a summon where he is holding his favorite banana until it got taken by the twerking monster from episode 3. The monster uses the banana as a butt plug and jizz all over the place. The summon, who is named Haunta, got his banana back by killing the twerking monster.
18. I got free staples part 1: The PBJ and WAM girls fight and Wendal kills Penny and sends her somewhere that I do not remember.
19. I got free staples part 2: Wendal was stopped by Jenny by tossing an egg that send her to a proposal of Kanye West (not Ye, I like Kanye better) and a moose. The photo album is Elijah Twain from Sailor Twain and Wendal crossing her finger.
20. I got free staples part 3: It ended when Mary gives AWOL a makeover. She is happy about it
21. I got 19 toes: The WAM girls made Virtual Viral at a zoo. This was the first video that got 1,057 views. I was surprised.
22. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
23. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
24. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
25. It’s 9 am: The PBJ girls meet with a gender-bend version of themselves.
i. It was later the guys are in my other Calaborne As Outwoods comic, The Forehead Club, before adding a cliffhanger on Wattpad. I did not want to include this are the main series.
26. Worst Rap Battle Ever: Penny vs. Mary, Benny vs. AWOL, Jenny vs. Wendal. The singing is BOOTY.
27. Here’s a disappointing episode to wrap the season: Mary sends Wendal to the Kardashians and already hates it. Wendal blows up the place and killed all the Kardashians.
28. *Halloween Special: Penny and Benny are attacked by a Nicki Minaj monster that came from her ass and Jenny killed it with Buff Baby. Then Jenny sees Jimen from BTS and turns into James Charles. The girls grab Violet, who was masturbating old Paul McCarthy, and use her DeathEyes. Jame Charles is then dead while saying,”Hi Sisters.”
29. *Christmas Special: The PBJ girls are in hell to celebrate Christmas when it is snowing, not ashes. Then Santa comes with Christmas presents. Penny and Benny got new weapons and Jenny got a Ringo Star and Paul McCartney (based on Sonic and Mario's weird kiss) and she got mad before getting a new summon from Abraham Lincoln. The summon, who is named Un-EYE. That summon’s buff mode can grow much larger than the universe. Jenny is so proud of it.
* These episodes only count for specials and extras, not the main story.
Season 3:
30. The show is back and it is worse: Chewing Louse is annoying and was cheerful after Jenny gives her a chocolate chip cookie.
i. I love having Chewing Louse as the gag of the show. She is inspired by a real chewing louse (who by they are ugly as hell) but I also got inspired from the mouse from Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.
31. Wnorg gnihtemos si ereht: Violet got kidnapped by the FBI.
32. (Unknown Title) The PBJ girls are sent to someone’s anal and a bunch of poo want to be free. They attack that dumb poop wall and got exited by a diarrhea turtle.
33. (Unknown title) The PBJ girls are then sent to some dude in space who needs a girl to marry his son. Benny killed both of them and later was teleported somewhere else.
34. (Unknown Title) The PBJ girls are sent to two crescent-shaped aliens at Walmart who want a dance-off in order to free Violet. The aliens are turn to James Charles. Penny and Benny fuse to E-Enny. They killed James Charles and freed Violet.
35. (Unknown Title) Kindness Monster got her ears ripped off by the 2020 monster and Benny killed it.
36. (THE. LAZIEST. EPISODE. EVER.) The PBJ girls are going to Hitters, an alternative version of Hooters, and Lenny tries to get all the dudes before the girls killed her.
37. The conclusion is coming in three years (that is the title I remember lol) Jenny tells Syrup how he was born and starts with Jenny finding out that Boogar and Potato Babe are having sex and later getting married to bring Snot, Moldy, and Syrup
i. I have fears about this video being taken down due to the banging and giving birth scene.
38. I got the conclusion: Jenny goes inside Babe’s viagra to get Syrup but he will miss his home. Jenny tells that the new world, which is her home is better. Syrup then says goodbye to the TV, bed, pillow, and his friend named Cancer. Jenny was mad about that character.
39. *The Penny Benny Jenny Show Trailer (for the title of my channel) it shows the characters, GlobeGlider, and other while hearing farting. (This video was made before Season 3 and for some reason I am too lazy resetting the numbers.)
40. (2 subscribers special. This is a real episode) the girls are celebrating with their 2 subscribers. Yeah, this was the time I am very a small YouTuber.
41. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
42. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
43. (Unknown Title) (Unknown Information)
44. (Unknown Title) Lenny sends Bad Blue to something suspicious. The PBJ girls are sent to kill Lenny before she transforms Benny and Jenny into dildos. Penny and Lenny prepare to fight
45. Here is a disappointing episode to wrap up season 3: Wendalchockes on Mary’s cousin and tells that she needs a break or something, I don’t remember this much
Season 5:
46. (Unknown Title) Bad Blue is punished by Jenny after saying the f-word.
47. (Unknown Title) Jenny’s summon, Melon, and Mary’s “cousin” compete in a race. They take too damn long until Melon won.
48. Here is a disappointing episode to wrap up the series: The PBJ girls are seeing AWOL giving a message.
49. *The Penny Benny Jenny Show Movie Trailer: a fake movie trailer where Jenny dies but she is alive.
50. *The Super Penny Benny Jenny: Episode 1: AWOL sends the PBJ girls to kill the Karens that are taking over the world.
i. This was a hard time for me to make the super version. I did not finish the whole series and dropped it off.
The show mostly has no voice acting and lazy but broken animation. I would like to add small notes on each episode but I could not. Most of them are the same information and it is just me adding nonsense on a shitty platform. However, there are favorite episodes like “how to make curly fries.” But at least I have fun making them. Also, the images I selected from Wattpad screenshots are the only surviving proof that I made the show.
Left: The Title of the show
Right: Wendal in Here’s a disappointing episode to wrap the season
The big picture in the next page: The screenshot of the episodes on YouTube when telling readers to watch season one before reading season 2.