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Aliens Annihilate

A bunch of zoo animals on an island and starting a new life with their captivity selves until Acidlians enter Earth who wants all animals to die and want to dominate this land. 

Chapter 11

A terrible storm hits the animals leaving one of the elephants fell down to the ocean, drawing to his death and blowing his first and last bubble. 

“Claus!!!” Hinna screams at her own father, leaking her tears as the ocean shakes more and more until Fredrick decided to go back. 

“NO! We must keep going!!” shouted Melissa. 

“We can’t!!! You know how far from the zoo to there is! It is like 300 miles!! I cannot handle this anymore!” Bono screamed. Some of the animals complained. Others do not. 

“We shall go back to the island!! Look! The boat is about to break!” Screamed Bona. 


The wooden boat crashed into the sea and all of the animals are trying to swim until all of the elephants tried their best to beat their legs, like making a tsunami for the lions, gorillas, ostriches, Cress, and the cheetahs. 


The huge storm roars up the animals so hard it hits as their direction is west, not south after leaving the island. 

Well, they, however, land on a different island, with bits of trees, a lot of sand, very tall mountains, and smaller than the last place they were on. The boat is broken with tiny pieces and splinters. 

After landing on the hot sand, the ostriches decided to find a place to warm themselves where their feathers are wet and falling due to no food in their stomachs. Molly’s stomach cannot handle it since she wants to eat some of her husband’s feathers but as he turns, he said, “I am going to chase you down if you eat one of my feathers! I am tired of this since we got into the zoo.” 

“I am sorry, Denny. It is my habit. I wish I can stop this so I can be with you forever,” Molly cried. 

Denny put his head down to find food under the sand, where rarely crabs and others are not around. Molly grab some flies on the island and called Denny there are insects around here. 

The lions and cheetahs are finding food in the forest but their stomachs could not handle the stress. For the lions, they want elephants and hippo. 

“We should, I don’t give a damn of that hippo,” growled Prince. Until then, Hippy the Hippo is eating some tiny batch of grass and the lions tiptoed as their mouths went drooling down. 


The lions starch and bite down Hippy and blood trails down his skin until his mouth opens wides. He grabs Prince and slams him in the sand, dusting his fur and Hippy falls over Mellisa and Haley down to the side plants next to him. 

“Are you lions the leaders out-group!?! Why are you eating me?” Hippy roared. 

With his eyes red, wrinkles, and the breath smells like weed. Hippy cries down that he does not want to die. 

Haley and Melissa are bleeding to death and cries for help until their husbands grab them to a different forest as the elephants, ostriches, Cress, gorillas, and cheetahs. 

“I cannot believe those lions are betraying us. But we are also carnivores, so we must follow them, “said Speed. The two cheetahs trails down the lions as the herbivores look down at what they were seeing before. 

For Hippy, he is sad and lay on the sand, remembering his home from the zoo. 



Looking back at the zoo where Hippy saw litters of cigarette bits and empty cans. He ate some of them in order to survive, hurting his stomach and cannot to move for a while. His stomach wanted grass and water. But they were no water and grass, just concrete walls and floor. What makes Hippy special was later some hippie who was here to create videos about making animals smoke weed. Hippy put his mouth next to his rusty metal cage and onto the weed stick. He first eats some but it tastes so horrible he starts coughing at the hippie. The hippie got mad and walked away as he held up the middle finger n front of thousands of local visitors. Hippy kneeled down to grab the weed and took a breath out of it, leaving the visitors shocked and calling the hippie a monster. Hippy continues to take a hit and finally, he began to smile. 

After a long depressing life in the zoo, Hippy continues to take hits from the stick and looking how his disappointed zoo shines his life. 

Goodbye Africa, hello Wonderland. Weed is not the only drug that causes hippy’s mind to shut off. Drugs like LSD are another example. 

He wants more until all the drugs are out of his mind, his forward thoughts of the family hit him, hurting his heart and breaking his eyes in tears. He dropped down to himself and more tears sprinkle down to the ground. 

“Why am I here!?! No! The drugs! I want some! Give me some!!!!” Hippy whispered to himself. 


It was noon and. The herbivores call on a meeting while the carnivores are out of the sands, looking for more meat. From the forest to the tall mountains, their stomachs rumble loud and their minds are out of control. 

Meanwhile, Don looks into the waves, calling him to swim. 

“I can call help! Everyone! I will swim down to the sea and find help! So we can go back to the island!” Don jumps in the water. All of the herbivores are a shock to see Don is doing the most insane job of all time since he is an alligator. 

During the five minutes, he could not breathe well and he begins to go dizzy, popping his head up and coughing down. 

“I need some fresh water,” Don said and continues to swim more. 

While swimming, he sees the corals, colorful fishes, and even sharks. He wishes to be a fish and live in the ocean forever. 

“My home is the zoo, better here,” Don said. 




“We have no choice! We must eat the herbivores!” Melissa screamed in the forest. 

“Hush, darling! We need to be steady. Let’s all eat these trees so our stomachs do not make any noise!” Fredrick whispered. 

Crawling down to the Denny and Molly are eating a tree with lots of greens, the lions and cheetahs sneak in and grab the birds’ buttocks and bite them down to weaken them. 


The lions begin to roar and screaming coming from the ostriches, calling the elephants and gorillas to grab them down. 

“GET THEM!! GET THEM!!! HURRY!!!” Denny quacks down but his long necks are bitten by Haley. 

“DENNY!!!! DON’T DIE ON ME!!!” Molly cried. Molly’s beck is bitten by Fredrick and he tells her to shut up. The elephants’ tusk pokes the lions’ stomachs, all four of them as the cheetahs spies them and runs away as swifts. 

The gorillas spot them and decided to chase them as the cheetahs run to the mountains. 

Chapter 12

In the mountains, the cheetahs are almost at the top but the gorillas are climbing with both their hands and feet as they are giving them starches. The rocks falls beneath the gorillas and blinding them as the cheetahs went up to the top of the mountains, seeing the entire ocean and sky. 

“Speed. I remember how we were free animals. Let us go more. I want to see more,” Lighting glares. 

“Lighting, the zookeepers called up Lighting and Speed. It makes sense, but what about our original names, Ifiok (wisdom in Ibibio) and Abeba (flower in Amharic). Being fast is one thing we are now, but what about being who we are, smart and beautiful cheetahs who are here to survive on our beloving home, Africa”, cried Speed, before Bono and Bona stare and stand at them, listening to their origin, making them remember their flashback back in Congo. 

“Eastern gorillas. But in our home in the zoo, there is no hunting. But safe there,” Bono said. 

The cheetahs turns back and saw the gorillas looking down but they manage to escape by jumping far away and entering the tall trees as the branches starch them and giving their fur some leaves and paws some splinters. 


They hit down to the ground but the elephants grab them with their trunks. 

“The lions are with us, but we will give them punishment!!” Ban said. 

Finding a cave around the mountains, Ban and the females are holding tight to the cats with their trunk, tightly crushing them until Fredrick screams, “ I can’t breathe!!” 

“Silence! We are going to find a prison for you, you betraying bastard!!” Ban shouted. 

After searching for three minutes, a cave is found, and toss the cats down in the dark new home. So small, so smelly. 

Ban whispered to Hinna, “Find me a big, big boulder, please.”

In a search of a big round boulder, Hinna, and Maggie look around the quiet place of an island, where little trees and a ton of sand remind them of a beach that is for humans for a quiet and relaxing vacation. 

“I never understand why we are so different, I see lions as hunters, and elephants are the gods and goddesses. We live in a society,” Hinna said. 

“But we are not. What if you want to make friends?” Maggie asked. 

“The lions betrayed us! Let’s go find the boulder before it is too late!” Hinna hurried. 

What can happen about the lions and the cheetahs as they are breathing so hard and the smell gets worse and worse as Ban’s buttocks cover them in the cave. Giving them a huge fart, all the animals cough, and cough. 

Starvation and sickness, they had enough and starts chewing down Ban’s butt. 

It hurts Ban’s butt and cries to call his remaining elephants to hurry up. At that time, Hinna and Maggie push down a giant red boulder and push it down to the cave hole. Ban’s butt is made up of open scars and holes from teeth. 

Meanwhile, Bona and Bono healing the ostriches’ necks with herbs but their voice are too soft, and too much blood spills down the ground. 

“Don’t die! Please!” Bona cried. The ostriches look at each other and then they stare up the sly, whispering a pray before death. Cress stares at the birds and remembers how Snail and I are going so far. Flashing how his wife left him and wants to be alone and the cage saves him. Not only predators affect his life, but demons coming to him for bad luck and touching him uncomfortable. 

“I need Clay. I need him to know what should I do! All of the animals are fighting and I am the one who is not damaged and needs so much fucking help!!” Cress wails and puts himself down to the ground, crying so loud the ostriches look upon him. 

“Cress. I know we are in society for us to go back to the zoo, but now we must rest, Clay and others are okay on the other island,” Denny said as his neck makes it much worse when moving. 

Scratching, growling, and moans. Hurting poor Cress while sleeping at night as in the cave, the lions and cheetahs continue to dig down the bolder until their claws are tiny. Rarely to starch something. Later, louder bellies rumble and more coughing lecture the elephants’ ears until Hinna got up and needs to go on a walk while Ban watches her go away. 

The next day, Hinna is lying down in the bare forest as the flies buzzing around her and her tusk are off. She is dead, according to Cress who first saw her. 

Chapter 13

All of the herbivores gather around and even Cress. 

“It must be the cats! They just found a hidden hole to escape the cave. Gorillas! Check them. Now!” Ban ordered. 

Entering the cave after Maggie pushes out of the boulder and found the cats’ bellies shrinking and claws in the round. Bona and Bono push off the cats and sees no hole. 

“I must be Hippy! Ostriches! Find Hippy! Now!” Ban ordered.


The ostriches go around the sand until there is a hole. So deep, but who had done it?


Hippy coughs down the sand and cries that it is not working. The ostriches calm him down, saying that is not a drug Hippy is inhaling. 

“DRUG!! DRUGS! DRUGS!!” Hippy cried and sees the dizziness coming down but the ostriches are wailing down him to stop as he inhales more sand until his lungs could not handle this anymore. 

More coughing and Hippy’s legs are down and the ostriches continue to cry for his survival. 

“Listen to me, Hippy. Drugs are life. Forget your family in Africa. Come with I hell and you will be a new self,” said a demon drug man with creepy unstoppable eyes with bright iris, along with a big mouth with detailed teeth and a realistic figure from some famous man. He holds Hippy’s hand and travels his soul from his body to a door that leads to the drug hellhole down on the ground, but Hippy wants to say goodbye after giving a turn of his head to see the crying ostriches. 

“Goodbye Denny, Molly, Ban, Cress, Hinna, Maggie, so long Clay.” Hippy turns back and enters the hellhole along with the demon man. 


Walking back to Ban, the ostriches and the gorillas, along with Maggie could not believe who had done this until Cress spots down until Hinna whispered that it was an illness. 

At the zoo, Hinna’s trunk goes around the tourist until one of the children with an illness coughs down her trunk as she gasped and makes a huge noise to scare down the people. 

Hinna could not believe this as he told her friends to not come closer. 

“What kind of illness it is? The zookeepers will give you medicine. Maggie! Find me some herbs around here,” Claus said. 

“There will be no cure! That child must have tuberculosis or something. My lungs must have trouble and later one I am worried it will continue strong,” Hinna cried. 

All of the animals pray to Hinna and Hippy’s bodies and wish them good luck and recreated something well. 

“What should we do with the cats?” Asked Molly. 

“Let them eat their bodies. I am done with the torture,” ordered Ban. 

Well, the zoo is poor but the animals would like to go home. I wish it never happens. As I watch Hira went back to her tribe and learns the valuable meaning go racism. But she could not believe what her own people did to the animals.

Chapter 14

After some dinner, the lions and the cheetahs decided to live in operate homes while the herbivores go in a different direction as Cress decided to build another boat to get back to the zoo. 

“NO! With little trees, we cannot do it! Use your cage and sail there!” Ban shouted while sitting down on the sand. 

“Without me cage, I feel different. I am going on my own way home. Good day. Better yet, I need to find Clay!” Cress shouted back. 

Cress went stomping to find tree branches in his own size and look out for others taking his own work. 

After making his ship, he pushes down and splashes the water at Ban as he is laughing in his happiness. 

Meanwhile, the lions decide to get more food after nothing around this island is just plants. They go off hunting down the ostriches next, then the gorillas, and lastly the elephants. 

Sneaking down the ostriches eating some little of grass, the lions jumped and bite this damaged necks and butts this time and the hard their mouth force it much, the ostriches are silent and all of their power goes weaken until the gorilla jumped in as they punch down the lions’ bodies and bash a hole into it. Much of a big war, the gorillas’ faces are filled with teeth marks by the cheetahs after they ambushed behind them and massive bites all over the ostriches. The ostriches scream in pain and the cats' roar as it alerts the gorillas running away from the grassland while picking tiny berries. 

More screaming and blood spilling down from the ostriches. 

“If I get reincarnated as a god, it will kill you all,” Denny spits out. 

“If I get recanted as a lion, I rather kill myself after my birth,” Molly cried. Both of the birds give up their life after their bodies turned from flesh to bones. 

At midnight, Bono and Bona hide behind the caves while one of the lions, Fredrick, decided to make a meeting. 

“We should have a tournament. One winner will take one elephant all by itself. The loser starves,” said Fredrick. 

“We need energy in order to fight each other,” cried Speed. 

“Females fight each other first. Then if my lions win, you cheetahs starve,” Prince said. 

“Deal. I will fight Melissa and Lighting will fight Haley,” Speed said. 

“Tomorrow morning, we fight. Only six of us” ordered Fredrick. 

Sleeping on top of the mountains, Fredrick dreams of his native home, Africa. His mother bathes him and his father teach him hunting. Learning how to be a lion itself until he was hunted by the zookeepers in Indonesia and found lion strangers in the habitat he has never been before. Fredrick sees Melissa and how he is not the only one who is in this habitat. 

“I see that this is not home but I am protected from hunters,” smiled Melissa. 

“You are a female, Melissa. We are lions and lions hunt better than humans. Why do you think this place is better,” Fredrick asked. 

“Think about it. We can see the happy people and I like the humans,” Melissa said. 

“I hate them but this place feels like home. I feel like a leader. I always want to be the leader but my father chose my older brother for leader,” Fredrick sighed. 

“Be our leader. Control us and show your ways through life,” Melissa smiled. 

But Fredrick is wrong. Africa is better and has the best space to run around. Fredrick was pacing and his wife was confused either he was exercising or in a psychotic reunion. 

Pacing, circling, and banging makes animals go crazy and details how animals are not safe here. Due to small spaces and nothing to do, animals have the power to be not themselves and people tend to laugh about it. For Fredrick’s information to his lion friends, he wishes to go back home but he does not know why the zoo was calling his name. 

Like a controlling freak and a mother from a dangerous cult, Fredrick praises the zoo as home and wants all his followers to make it a successful self. 



The next day, the lions and the cheetahs are spying on one of the elephants, Ban as he is eating leaves from a tall tree. 



The lions bite down the elder elephant’s legs and calling him a weak god. Chomping down the fleshed breaking Ban’s tusk out of the head. Ears ripped and eyes are blinded by the cheetahs’ teeth, all of the cats roar and laugh as they are having their last times on the island as Bono gets interrupted from his bark hunting. He runs away and finds Bona. 

Ban screams about his wartime and fights back the lions and cheetahs until he slams them down to the sand and onto the ocean, drowning the saltwater to their noses and eyes. 

“I want to kill all of your animals!!! DEAD ON MY LIFE!!! DIE!!!” Ban screams until the lions stop his chest and chomping down his heart as Fredrick laughs about his death. 

After the skeleton of Ban made Maggie cried so long, the gorillas have to hide away the elephant in a new place so the cats do not hunt them down. Hiding the elephant at a large cave and Bona calms her down with her singing while Bono holds a long spear after he homemade it with a very shark rock knife. He is angry about what is going on now. 

Fredrick and Prince look to their wives fighting down the cheetahs and with scars, blood, and sweat. All of the females bite down each of their ears and tails. The cheetahs run away and need a rest until the lions jog and jump to the cats and chop down their necks. 

“Stop! I cannot do this anymore! We surrender now! Please!” Speed cried. 

“We do not need to do this anymore. Please!” Lighting cried. 


Both the cheetahs are dead and the lions have the fastest hunger. 


Bono still holds his spear and heard the lions stomping down to find Maggie. Bono saw the lions down to the cave and having their mouth foaming. 

“Stay back! I will kill you all!” Bono shouted. 

“Shut up and die!” Melissa jumped down the gorilla but gets stab down to the stomach baby the spear. Haley and Prince chomp down Bono’s legs but the male gorilla does not want help as Bona and Maggie are holding each other as the screaming and starching alerts them to stay down. 

Bono punch down Prince’s face and Haley chomps down Bono’s chin. All the lions use their back claws and kick the gorilla down to the rocks next to the caves as Bono counter-attacks and punches them back. From the face to their privates, Bono is full of blood and the continuing of bites and scars from the lions gives him a weakling point. Bono grabs Haley and torn off the neck in half. The lions hesitate and growl so loud Prince grabs down Bono and uses his fangs to bite hard on the neck as Bono calling them that he cannot breathe. 

“For Haley, for Africa!” Fredrick roared. 

The lions digging down Bono as he is punching and kicking them down. 

On the evening night, Maggie and Bona are running away and need a boat to sail back home. But there are few trees and the three lions who are filled with Bono’s blood and their moaning of Haley’s death. 

“She was pregnant, you son of a bitch!” Prince shouted. 

The lions continue to search the last two herbivores as they are smelling their nasty scent. Bona tells Maggie to hide in the ocean and using her trunk to breathe. 

Maggie goes slowly in the water and deep in herself. Her trunk is left out of the surface as Bona cracks her knuckles and entire body. She runs down the lions and screams for the revenge of her brother. The lions jump to Bona and give out the most brutal brawls on the entire planet. With more blood and scars, Bona continues to bash down the lions and end up with fisting their buttholes and breaking their bones. Bona holds Melissa’s neck and chokes her to death until her breath disappears. The male lions are now angry and roar to Bona before having their heads basked on each other in Bona’s hands. 

After a long fight, Bona finds Maggie and calls her that the fight is over. 

“It is gone. We must bury Ban and Bono. And the others,” cried Bona before having her back strath by one of the lions, Fredrick with his head crushed and blood spilling out from the injury. 

Bona could not believe in this and got her chest burst up by Fredrick and calls her last breathe before Maggie exits the water. She gasped and Fredrick holds her tightly before slicing her blind and ripping her ears off. 

The next morning after eating Bona, he saves some bits for his lion friends and prays that they will go to a safe place. 

Fredrick moves on and looks all over the place as he has the freedom to do whatever he wants and therefore nothing stops him until the zoo calls him but cried that he does not want to go back. 


Going once, going twice. Fredrick could not stand it and in a long one week of time, after seating all of the resources, his belly roared, and decided to join his lion friends. He enters the ocean and sees nothing but the beautiful water that reflects the sunlight and the wet sand that drags the lion’s paw down to the blue nature. 

Chapter 15
On a sunny day, Don swims the entire week with lots of breathing, no food, and lots of blinding in his eyes. But when the corals and fish define him as the different lizard that can swim, Don sees himself as the special kind of animal in the ocean. But Don wants to go back home, remembering the feelings of loneness and happiness. 

“As a lonely animal, I love it here. I love this new place. I never went out to see the rest of the world. But for the zoo, I love it here,” Don thought with a smile. 

Don, in the zoo, was happy to be alone since pain and torture is his favorite. From starvation to getting splinters, all he wants is to die but he could not do it by himself. 

“As an animal, the humans command us to do something. Lie take a walk or a swim,” Don smiled as he sees the flies and crap all over his habitat. 

Born captivity and pain is the first thing he had experience, where the zookeepers toss and force him to open his mouth with their bare hands. As such, he loves rainy days. He knows that the world is born a ruined place to live. As such, Don went out of his habitat one day and want to see a garden full of flowers, well, because he wants something new. He walks around and took a massive bite of those flowers as his belly rumble so loud the zookeepers alert it and ran up to the sound. 

“No fish, just flowers, leaves, and even my own crap,” Don cried but still smiled. The zookeepers capture the alligator and toss him back in the habitat as the pain bumps Don so hard he laughs. 


The alligator continues swimming until a massive wave hits down Don and went flying all over the place. Making the animal dizzy, he is seeing hallucinations and his flowers, where the floras calling his name and telling him to not them. 

“Don’t eat us, we are here to calm you down. Those memories of you with pain, this is you. But we don’t want to see you dead in my eyes,” said a talking sunflower. 

“I cannot. Humans are the superior,” Don said. 

The waves stop and take Don to a beach with people as they scream and video about an alligator coming from the sea. Don sees the blurry of the colorful people and saying their native language, Indonesian.

Don went walking around and his eyes become so clear as an elder man come closer and pet him. Don did not bite but his hunger grows him but the elder man’s nirvana gives Don the power of love. 

Don continues to walk around and find the zoo. During the thirty hours travel, Don found the zoo while eating some dead cats and dogs from the streets. He cried that the place is now in dust and a pile of rocks. Don sits down and takes a big breath, looking at his reward and knowing how much waste of time he is dealing with. 

“I cannot go back. I must sit down and take a look at the bright sun,” said Don. Looking at the sun while taking lots of deep breathes and smile that he is home. 

Chapter 16

Cress is seeing the waves as his heartbeat goes by. Cress could not believe what he is seeing without his cage. From touching the water to smelling the salt, Cress loves the water so much he put his head down to the surface and the first thing he sees is the blue majestic wet but shiny world with fishes. 

Cress remembers the time he in a cage for protection but he wished to be in another world as he dreams of being in a human house and a magical island. 

“I see the sky so blue, I want to fly there. I see a picture of a bridge, I want to walk on it. But this cage. It is my life,” Cress said. 

Cress hit down the sand that he was on before and a bunch of Acidian children staring at him and laughing how he looks. 

“It looks like some sort of crazy animal. We should show this to big brother,” one of the children cheered. 

“Oh no. I am on the right island but those aliens. Why are they hurting us?” Cress thinks to himself. 

Cress runs in the forest as his heart is pumping so hard. Until then, I found him from the treehouse and call his name. Cress look me up and climb up to the treehouse, screaming that I was right all along. 

“I am sorry. The cage! The cage! I feel something,” Cress cried until I calm him down and put my left finger on his mouth. 

“I accept it. The cage is not who you are. Now come on!!!” I hold his right hand and trail him to a hiding spot while Snail stares at them. 

“As I see the two species. The humans and the aliens. They are the same as writing and speaking. But we can’t have a war or something. I don’t want to see Diego die,” Snail frown. 

“We can talk to them. If they are going to kill us, we have no choice,” Cress said. 

“You are right, but most of the time, we should talk to them,” I said. Thinking back of Hira, I am wondering how is she going to do this?

Back in the village, Hira sees the children younger than her are searching Cress and I stalk her down as her name is called by Spencer. 

“Spencer!” Hira shocked and turns around to see the tall bastard as he asked her about last night. 

“I was finding some rocks and leaves to research. I am more interested in the nature of Earth,” Hira lied as her body shakes on the inside. Spencer spies over her body, examining the world where Hira lies upon the animal world. 

“I see you in the inside: animal. Why though?” Spencer tucks his face close to Hira. Spencer shot his right hand to Hira’s left hand. Dragging her to the chief as fast as he can do and Hire screams to her own mouth, alerting us that we must get here after we had finished our breakfasts. Lucy grabbed her spear and Diego got up after he pulls up his revolver. I jumped up while Snail watches up go into the village. 

Inside the tent of the chief, he is angry about what Hira is doing, and when the rest of the people come in towards the place, they are curious about what they are doing. Hira cried, “Grandfather! Let me explain! There is no need!”

“This is the day we fight!” The chief said. With his angry face, he touches Hira’s face and begins to slap her to the left side. 

Dishonor of what is happening, the chief sends his granddaughter to the non-finish cross that resembles Christ but when we enter the tribe, Deigo notices the symbol of Christianity. 

“Why do they have a cross? They must be humans in disguise,” Diego spots out. 

Chanting and singing about its similar religious songs, Diego hops in the group and begins to grab the ropes Spencer tied in. Taking Hira out of the cross, Spencer grabs Diego’s neck and screams on top of his lungs, “Don’t take this betrayer! Take me instead!” 

I come running down to the chief and Lucy follows me. We stand up for ourselves for this justice and moving our bodies to think we are like the aliens. But when the aliens are about the grab us, we ask like lighting and head to Diego. Cress follow us also but his tail got stopped by one of the biggest aliens in the tribe. Cress screams after he turns around to see the danger. Looking at how the alien is such a disaster to Cress and more screaming hurts a lot of the beings. 


Lucy throws her spear to the big alien’s left eye and grabs it before he fell down to the ground. Cress squeaks down to see Lucy with her serious face. Cress cried so much, hugging Lucy’s legs and saying, “thank you so much! Oh my gosh! I almost die!!” 

“You are welcome. But you have to hide now! Go!” Lucy grabs Cress and runs back to the treehouse but when there is a big brawl for Diego, like punching and kicking for the human man to suffer until I run down to take Hira out of the cross. 

We both run down to the treehouse until there is a humungous blast that alerts all of the aliens to look up to the sky. 

A spaceship that is way bigger than the white beauty Antarctica and the color of the rainbow. It is like a rainbow that is familiar to a child’s view of a simple rainbow. 

After running back to the treehouse, we stop for a moment to see the full spaceship dropping down the island as the new-looking aliens that are like visible purple and red. With eyes of glowing ocean blue and mouth so soft. 

“All Acidians. We will take you home. Without you all, this world means gone,” the leader of the new alien species named Flora called. Her silver-blonde hair, tall body, and young face attract Diego and all of the animals for her beauty and respect to all of nature. 

“Flora. The Gouldians. We do not want to do this. We have rights and we will never listen to you. So please. Do not do this to us!” The chief cried. 

“We have no choice. Everyone. Grab all of them. Hold them tight and move forward to the ship,” Flora commanded. 

Her men and women captured the Acidians while they are running for their lives and some like Spencer grabs a knife and fight them to death. One of the Gouldians uses a fire hand and meltdown Spencer’s face and his screaming alerts all of us to examine closer, looking at a brown skin man with brown eyes and brown lips. 

“A human,” I examined. 

But why is he inside the alien?

More screaming comes from Spencer as he gives a moan, “Stop! I don’t want them to know that I am not human!” You with the orange hair! Run! They will capture you all!” 


Diego listens to the black and runs off hiding far away before some of the Gouldians chase him. 

Continuing a massive war, the Gouldians capture almost all of the Acidians while they are screaming on top of their lungs. However, Hira hides in the treehouse and begins to panic. 

“I don’t want them to go! Please!” Hira whispered and I hold her tight. So tight she feels the warmth in and out from me. 

The Gouldians place all the Acidians back to their rooms in a large area of the ship and squishing them until they cannot breathe. 

After all of the Gouldians enter their ship, Flora turns back one more time to check in any more of the aliens. 

“A human with the orange hair, you are lucky, but we are not looking for you. Good day,” Flora said and turn back to the entrance. 

The Gouldian ship flies away and exits Earth with a quick blow of a goodbye. 

Diego looks up and sees nothing but a rainbow in the afternoon sky. 

We found Diego after exiting the treehouse and Hira looks down toes nothing but the ground, all miserable as her grandfather and friends are not here anymore. She takes a knee and prays that they will be alive and move back here. 

We all look into her and smile about her safety. But will she go to rescue them?


“I cannot go there. The Gouldians are too powerful and if I go fight them, I will die. I want to stay here. I love it here,” Hira cried. 

We saw Diego going inside one of the tents and seeing his friend crying that the Acidians are gone. 

Walking in front of us as Reeve stares at Hira and screams like a living nightmare!

“Hira is one of us! Please bear with me! She is not going to kill us. She is like us but different!” Diego cried in front of Reeve but when I am angry about what Reeve did to Diego back in his past, I want to bite him to death but I first take a big breath. 

“Reeve, I think we should go home and take these animals with us,” Diego begged, looking at how destructive the island is. 

“Definitely, Diego,” Reeve smiled. 

Chapter 17 

Five days ago

The Gouldians suffer a long time Ago where they had captured thousands of humans to be part of their experiment and punishment. There was an infection that kills lots and lots of Gouldians that came from someone suffering a nicotine poisoning. However, they could not make a cure to kill off and tons died. One of the leaders, Flora wanted a cure to kill the virus but when the humans enter their planet, things are going down. 

“What are these things walking just like us and speaking the same language?” Flora asked her siblings.

“Humans. They are the curious thing that should never exist in the first place. However, we should test them. Fo their punishment without permission,” said Flora’s older brother. 

“Humans. I want to keep one of them. I want to know what they do in their life,” Flora cried out. 


After sending the infected people to the city and got shot by vaccines by doctors, the human spaceship enters around the deserted areas where there is nothing but dry trees. One of the human leaders, Samual, an elder short man exits first and looks around. He breathes that it is familiar to Earth. 

He sends all his people to check it out as part of their new civilization. 

“We should find the people there. We can ask them about peace to each other,” said Spencer as a black and intelligent friend of Samual. 

“Thank you, Spencer. I will go to them,” Samual smiled. 

“Grandfather!” Hira cried and laugh at Samual as seeing something like a being. 

It is the Gouldian. The leader Flora she asked Samual for a meeting. Samual was happy to see the leader offer something. 

While the rest of the human takes on a tour to the entire city, Flora places Samual down to a room where it is white and had purple flowers. Samual called it beautiful as Flora asked, “What was Earth-like and why you want to move here?” 

Samual was suspicious of that question and answered, “Well. Earth is a good place but we need more freedom of ourselves, as without paying our taxes and following the government rule, all we need is some calmness to ourselves.”

“Yes, but in the world, we still have followed our rules and all of your people must follow it, too,” Flora said with a tine of anger. 

“I guess we should move now,” Samual said as he got up but his head was pushed by Flora and she tells about a world where it needs a rule ignorer to live longer. 

Flora bragged Samual down to the white room and enter the hallways are long and each room was tiny. In one of the rooms were the humans with their innocent faces as the infected Gouldians cough them down and hearing the screaming from them killed Samual’s ears. Hurting from his people, Samual. I ordered Flora to stop this but she refused and left the torture to continue. The women, children, and the husbands’ skins were turning blue, and their eyes become yellow and sometimes blue also. As they were coughing acid and burning up the ground, they are frightened to see who they were now. Someone pulls in a big mirror on top of the room, leaving a lot of people paranoid. They look up and were shocked at what they had seen in their life. 

Samual cried over this after all his people’s reactions to this. Flora ordered one of the infected people to cough on Samual but Samual could not fight as he said, “All we want is to live here! I want all people to live in peace and harmony!” 


During the night of their first trip, Spencer and Samual sat down in the tiny but cramped room where Spencer gives his prediction to Samual. 

If they come back to Earth, all of them would be make fun of and were forced to commit to going back to the island. 

If they come back to Earth, the aliens would experience the same but not like their original selves like their color skin or white, black, tan, and yellow. 

If they come back to Earth, there will be war and they will die quickly. 

If they come back to Earth, the aliens will be too scared to come back to society. 

“All of these words mean to us that we cannot go back,” Spencer said. 

“I know. We have to go back. I can find a place to live without skins like this. But is there a cure?” Samual begins to feel different where his past and present were about to disappear and his mind grew empty. 

From his life as a leader of peace to something not related to human nature. All Samual sees is the new kind of human subspecies as Hira asked her grandfather about what does now. 

All of the human’s memories were almost lost but Samual sees the human nature inside of him as to how they will come back to Earth. 

“Are we going back to Earth, grandfather?” Hira asked. 

“Yes, but we are not going back to the cities. We will start a new world as aliens we are. I wish we had a cure but our memories are about to fade! Let us fight the ones who gave us the virus and run away,” Samual cried out. 

During midnight, the aliens, called now Acidians, scream nonstop until the Gouldian guards some down and slammed the doors to shut them up. However, the Acidians sit down the doors and when it was melted, Samual shot his acid at one of the guards. Others spilled down their spit to the other guard. The two guards screamed at the Acidians before they got killed by them. 

All of the Acidians run down to the hallways and start sprinkling their acid and when Samual sees the huge window, he notices earth is next to the ship. Samual calls all of his allies to jump out of the window. 


The Acidians crashed down to the window, feeling the cold air but their lungs were stronger than a tank. Floating down to Earth as the land on top of an island that was full of trees and sand. Landing the sand remembers slowly from the Acidians and later on, they became furious on the human world. Samual notices the beach and decided to stop over this and focus on his own race. 

“Enough for today. We shall make civilization now. Come, everyone. No need to fight. All we fight is intruders like animals. They are not like us. They have horrible brains but stronger muscles. We shall kill them!” Samual in the mind of the Acidians had said. 

The Gouldians, however, could not find them but someone spotted them on the broken window. 


After the next five days on this island, the Acidians were happy to be with each other but then the elephant from the Indonesian zoo came out, they were triggered. I was there too and hear something bad. 

Chapter 18

The Acidians are squished in the tiny room they used to be in with the ceiling mirror and all of the aliens screamed in pain. All of a sudden, a gas passes out of the room and gives a poisonous smell that triggers the aliens. 

“As of your punishment, you will die. Now die!” Flora said from the speaker. 

The gas makes the aliens scream and their skin meltdown where the human-selves becomes wet and sweating. More burning and the skin of the human burns red and their flesh comes out with crispy but black. 

Flora looks down at the torture and wishes this never happen again. 

“As for you aliens! I am alive and now died because of you!” The chief Samual screamed as he is about to have his head turn into a skull. 

The skeleton of the Acidians but their acids never goes away. The detail of Spencer's skull is shiny but makes the Gouldians refuse to use these bones as weapons and money. 

Chapter 19

The next day, Diego and Reeve decided to make a long boat using their treehouse. But before they do that, they have to get all of the stuff and pray the treehouse a goodbye and a safe place.

“A house is like a shield and something that means to you, Clay,” Snail said. 

“I know. I know that how we all feel,” I said. Snail and I look back to the village and see nothing but beautiful robes the Acidians had. Lucy, Cress, Snail, and I prayed for the animals in her zoo. Hira continues to pray more on her species. And Diego, Reeve, and the rest of us prayed for the treehouse. Dragging down the shore as Hira wants to bring all of the tribes’ items. 


“I know it is too much but I cannot leave this,” Hira said. 

“Take the important ones and go,” Diego said and pat Hira’s head. 

Hire went back to the tribe and got her drawings and her grandfather’s robe with tears flowing down and her heart beating so quick. 

And so, they are sailing down the majestic sea. The sea is big and like a new world as the sun shines the water and letting Diego sim down to find some movement. 


Diego swims in the water and being as a dolphin for an hour. Reeve laughs and Hira is too scared. 

“My acid. I cannot do it! It will poison the sea!” Hira cried. 

“Just look into it,” Diego said. 

Hira agreed but Lucy holds her hand as the warm go happy as she is around the friendship ring. 

It was twelve hours sailing and made it to the city where Diego and Reeve grew up in. I see a lot of humans who are smiling and happy about their lives. Just like the quokkas, we smile at other things in life. Like rocks, food, and even people. 

Reeve smiled that he is back home but wishes to have Diego visit his family. 

“Diego, I want you to do something. We should visit your family for a long time,” Reeve said as his heart begins to beat like a drum. Diego looks upon Reeve, think that he did not remember his family’s face. His mother has orange hair and so is her husband. They look alike and wish to see them again. 

“We should, Reeve. But we have to take these animals back to their natural home,” Diego smiled at Reeve. 

“I have nowhere to go,” Hira said as she looks at me, but I got an idea to have Hira will like animals forever. 


I squeaked and Hira smiled that she wants to live with me. 

“I wish I want to explore this world,” Hira cried. Diego holds Hira’s hand along with Lucy. He wants to be with these animals for a while before taking them home. 

Going back to the park of Diego’s childhood, he remembers getting kidnapped and see his mother as worthless. 

Reeve and Diego sat down on the bench and look upon animals and Hira playing around the playground while the people are watching. 

Hira look at them and went to a tree to hide. She is scared to be yelled at and laughed until Diego comes quickly after his shocked reaction. 

“It is okay. I got you,” Diego smiled. He grabs down Hira and presents to her that she is an alien in a human body. 

“This is not a costume but I was infected by another alien. I don’t remember why but I wish I want to know why. I am a child,” Hira said and gives a frown. 

“Don’t frown, girl. We are not going to hurt you. We always want to see an alien,” said an innocent middle age lady with blonde hair. Everyone smiled and share their post with Hira. Telling all social media to not harm her. 

As for the animals, we hear that we are going back to our natural homes after Deigo announces people about the news. 

Snail look into me and said, “Well, this is goodbye.”

I look at his face and see the goodbye of his face and said, “I guess this is a goodbye also. It is nice seeing you in a short time.”

“I like to go back home. Next time I see zookeepers, I will fight them to death,” Cress said. 

“I like the sound of that,” Lucy smiled. 

“Well, this is goodbye. Let get a hug!” I cheered. And so the animals hugged each other along with Hira giving a tighter one. And so is Diego. Everyone cheered out for them and smile at what they are seeing now. 


Snail is all alone in his old home, Pinta Island. Happy but all alone. Hearing the waves and seeing the bird hunting down some fish. 

Lucy is happy in Borneo after she uses her spear and stabbed a zookeeper with red short hair and his friends ran away. 

Cress is happy in Indonesia after he uses a random cage he founded in the rainforest and fought a zookeeper with red long hair and his friends ran away. 

And Diego is about to visit the location of his mother in a broken house but when someone exits the door, a man that is familiar to Diego spots him and said, “Who are you?”

He has spiked hair and round wide eyes. 

“I am Dixie and Dingo’s lost long son. I want to see them,” he said. 

“Sorry, Dixie is dead and Dingo went missing,” the spike boy said.

“What is this. What is your name and why did she die?” Diego cried.  His name is Durike and said that Dixie died of drug addiction and Dingo went missing after leaving Dixie behind. 

Diego went down on his knees and Reeve come close to him after Durike left him and saying goodbye and good luck. 

Reeve hangs Diego up to stand up and take him back to their old home as they are walking in front of a sunset. But Diego smiled to Reeve as his supporting buddy in life. 


And as for me, I am in Australia now and seeing my family back home but all I see is Hira running down to the quokka family and smiled. I smiled too big and went to my family for a comeback feast. 

About the Creator

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I am the creator of Calaborne as Outwoods (2019 - present ), Confusing Worlds (2020- present), Opal and Berryboom (2020 - present), and Opposite of Human (2020 - present). I am pursuing comic book writing and art, along with children's books and other artworks. I make themes in my work like human nature, the meaning of life, saving the environment, and moral lessons. 

I have been making my career rise since 2019 while I was in college and working an 8-4 job. However, I have enough time to reach the stars due to the breaks and days off. Many websites I use for my comics and books are in this link: 

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