Aliens Annihilate
A bunch of zoo animals on an island and starting a new life with their captivity selves until Acidlians enter Earth who wants all animals to die and want to dominate this land.
I open my eyes, looking around to see if anyone survived the storm. I move my arms, then my legs, then my salted mouth. I coughed and coughed. I see all my strangers from the zoo. Some are stuck in cages, others have splintered from crated boxes. I can see the sun burning my eyes and feel the sand running my feet. It feels like home, but this does not feel like Australia. I am happy. Feels like home, I said. I continue to look around and found a blue alien child. He has two medium silly antennae, dark blue spots, and precious yellow and blue eyes. He spots me like a cheetah, but I am a quokka. I asked him loudly, “Hello! All my friends are hurt! Can you give us any medicines or herbs? Please?”
The alien boy walked in front of me and pull his long slender sword-like fin hands. Shiny and pointy, he is about to slice me up into pieces! I jumped and run around in circles. Fast like lighting but the boy stabs my tail and sees my blood gushing! I screamed and alerted some of the sleeping animals. One animal, who is a tiger, is famished so much he sees the blue meat. The tiger jumped at the boy fearless until the alien turns around and slice it in half. The tiger roars and awakens the rest of the animals. As for me, my small brown body could not take this monster as my tail continues to bleed like a waterfall. I’m beginning to go dizzy and cried, “I am dying!”
The alien boy ran to me as I run-up to the mysterious island that approaches me. For such, the boy that killed the three-day-hungry tiger triggers me. All he wants is food and a family. I remember the time I was alone, looking for friends but smelling the stench of the animals shit and does not clean up for three days. I hate it and want to throw up. Meanwhile, tourists were wanting me to be the spectacular prize as I smile at the camera for all the humans. But I smile for their happiness and all the animals there. My life turned around after the evil people took me to this small cage that could not make me move. From being with a big family to my own as an adult I was about to die in this zoo until the petition created by activists send us to a new zoo. While in the ship, a huge sea demolished it into pieces and take the animals to a deserted island while the people drowned and died. As for the tiger, he is also alone, hungry, and seeing nothing but death. He is not the only one.
A German Shepard bites the boy’s right wrist and growled at it. Scratching the boy’s ribs and sniffing there is some sort of chemical that triggers his head. Burning from the acid blood and the boy counters back by chomping the dog’s nose. The dog was dropped and whines over his nose. The boy grins until an elephant with splinters ran over the alien, squishing him hard until the body exploded. The elephant panted and sees his right leg burning. He fell and touches the boy’s corpse. The blood enters the elephant’s skin and cries. While hiding in the small bushes, I got out and was shocked the elephant from the boat is about to die. I ran to him and when I am about to touch the blood, he alerted, “Don’t get any closer!”
I paused and asked with worries, “You cannot! You are dying and have hope in your future!”
“I am sorry, but I have no future,” the elephant panted and his heart stopped.
Seeing him dead reminds me of a bunch of caged zebra finches.
Chapter 1
I am so sad about this elephant’s death where all the animals are out of the cages after I open them all. Also, I took the splinters off some of the animals after pulling it so tough my small body is sore as a cactus.
The lions who are around here are Fredrick, Prince, Melissa, and Haley. They are African Lions who live in solid rock habitats with nothing but a giant monster truck tire and a giant hole to crap. Fredrick misses home and so are the others.
“I like home. We are protected,” Fredrick said.
“But living in the wild is better, Fredrick,” I said.
“Who are you?” Fredrick asked.
“I see. We do not meet each other in the zoo since we are caged for a long time. I am Clay, a quokka. I like it already but what was that alien boy who tried to kill us?” I spooked.
“At least we are here with each other, no cages, no bad habitats, and no smell. However, we need to introduce each other to make a new home,” I continued.
“Clay, how long have you been in the cage?” Fredrick asked.
“We could not say more about the cages,” shouted Denny.
Denny, an ostrich, along with his wife, Molly, who those two each other’s feathers for survival until today, they are eating the leaves from the bushes I was hiding.
A civet named Cress screams that he wants to be back in the cage. He enters back into his cage and wants himself protected from predators.
“Hey! You look like a cat! Cats are predators! Come on out! I worked so hard taking you out!” I shouted.
“I like the cage, you fucking rat!” Cress hissed. I am pissed at his calling me “rat”.
“I am not a rat! I am a marsupial! Get it right!” I yelled.
“I am a civet! Not a cat!!” Cress shouted.
I and Cress argued until Fredrick hears rumbling from his stomach. All the animals are hungry as I enter the forest to find something. Cress followed me and smell something delicious.
Bono and Bona want bananas while Don the alligator needs fish. He enters the ocean and sees a lot of grey fishes. Sure his stomach said yes, but his body said no. Still, he swam but felt like dying. He said, “I cannot take the fish.”
He got back and gives big breaths. Fredrick ordered the zebras while they are eating grass. The zebra refused to offer the lions and cheetahs as their dinner. Still, they ate four zebras and one of them ran away, finding a place to hide. Clay and Cress looked at the female zebra and cried.
“Come back and tell us what happened!” Clay asked.
Other settings like a tortoise named Snail who said being slow makes you keep track of things. Snail wants to catch up with me and Cress as we are still fighting over what species we are until I said to him, “I have a family!”
Cress was shocked and remembers his family was gone after humans take them for kopi lumak. He was in the zoo after his family is gone. Using him as entertainment, Cress spins his body around until he is in a fantasy world. His face was melting like a pot and his muscles could not be steady.
“I hate humans. Why are you into humans, Clay?” He asked with overwhelms.
“I just want humans and all animals to be happy. Because of my appearance, I can give anyone love and respect,” I said.
Cress looks down and apologized to me. I accepted it. Snail cheered, “ Wait for me! I want to have friends!”
I was shocked about this tortoise and ran to him, hugging and kissing until I introduce him.
“I am Snail. I am slow but love to make friends and learn about the world,” he cried.
“Don’t cry. We are here in this together,” I said. I pat his head and trail him to the berries Cress found. Since I eat leaves, I chew them fast like a shredder. Cress laughed and Snail cheers that all the berries are good but about that zebra. I have to find her until a scream alerts us. I could not hide but ordered Cress and Snail to hide. Snail tuck his body into his shell and Cress climbs up to the tall trees until he is grabbed by a native blue alien with sharp huge eyes. Cress screamed which warns me about the troubles. I hesitate but my gut said to never give up. The lions head towards the forest and see the blue aliens ambushing to Snail until I spot tiny rocks. I quickly grab them and throw them hard to the alien’s head. They are three adults, but one of them notices the pebble on his head. He turns around and sees nothing but trees and leaves. I am behind him, ready to use my nose like a sword. The lions, on the other hand, are running to the aliens until I shouted to them, “Do not kill them!”
They had interrupted my strategy. Darn! But what about the zebra! Not right now!
The lions stopped and I told them to take Snail and run. When the alien holds Cress so tight, his mouth opens up with very sharp teeth that resemble a saw.
“This animal must die!” He spoke. My heart is beating so fast, my anger grows, and my eyes are wide! My muscles trigger it to kill him, but my brain could not do it, not because I am scared, because I am angry why would this alien kill Cress?
I shouted, “HEY! What do you think you are doing!?!”
The alien man turned to me while the lions push Snail to the sand. Snail can feel the hot bottom, listening to the material rustle.
The aliens only hear me chipping like an animal. I can speak English but they are speaking the same language also. I don’t understand.
“Animals are not like humans. I know they are animals, but humans have a bigger strength to think properly. Animals, on the other hand, have none,” said the alien leader.
“Leo. We should go. I am going to carry this to kill for our president,” said the alien warrior.
I heard “Leo” and “President” What is going on here. This must be a trick! My face hesitates until one of the warriors grabbed me.
“A rodent always runs away,” argued the chief.
A gun from far upwards shot down the chef’s head. It must be a human, I thought. One of the warriors dropped Cress down and grab his friend’s right arm, crying to not die halfway. Cress scatters away from the forest and I spit the alien’s hand. He dropped me and wiped off the spit, telling me to not do that again! I also scatter away and find all the animals there. I ordered, “ We have to hide!”
I spotted a cave there next to the sand where the dark insides shiver me but we have no choice. All of us ran there and the aliens are chasing us fast. The cheetahs can stop them. They paused and turn around to jump at them.
The sister cheetahs are fast and professional hunters. But their faces are boring from the blood they had bitten. They are screaming in pain, but never give up.
On the high trees, there is a man in his green camouflage, staring at us. With his green eyes and orange hair, he thought, “Humans and animals are the same. I want to check on them.”
Chapter 2
Hiding in the cave is like the wild, where all the animals would run away from the humans during hunting. The remaining four elephants, the four lions, two ostriches, a hippo, an alligator, Snail and Cress, the two gorillas, a female orangutan, and this donkey with rainbow polka dots. One of the animals, Bona is praying for her god. I look at her, thinking that we do believe in God or some guardian who raised us a long time ago. I asked her, “Do you think a god would help us?”
Bona turned quickly and answered with tears, “Yes, he will take us to a sanctuary.”
“You are in the wild now, you must be free from it. You are born in the woods, with natural food and family,” I said.
“I have a family, they might be thinking I’m dead or not. I want to see them again. Why are you doing this?” I continued.
Bona sees Bono looking at the beach and said,” You are right, rat. I can see my memories going back to normal. I feel weak.”
Darn. I’m not a rat, god dang it.
But what about the rest of the animals?
“I refused to be around here. I miss home,” Fredrick said.
“I would stay here but this play is too small, I like it better than that fucking zoo,” one of the elephants, Kinna had said. The remaining four elephants are sad now.
“I can say for you all is-“ I said but the elephants screamed at all of us that a mouse has come t them. The elephants runoff from the cave and one of them almost touched my head, feeling the heavy push making my heart beat fast. The lions and others are confused.
“We should split up into groups! Whoever wants to get out of this island, stay in this cave. Whoever wants to live here, get out of the cave, “ Fredrick said. While the lions are not moving, Snail exits the cave first and I follow him. I turned around to Fredrick and give him the snake eyes. Lucy also flowed us.
Only three of us look around to find the last zebra until we hear a scream. A girl and neighing. Dang! It’s the zebra.
“Snail and Lucy! Hide! I will find out!” I shouted.
“Listen! We have to find the trouble!” Speed chases to find the trouble along with her sister. The forest is too many leaves the zebra screams and this alien girl holds her to death, calling to get her brothers to kill it. The rustles coming from the army of men in the bushes and holding sharp spears.
The blood of the zebra shines through the aliens’ eyes, seeing the animal dying and laughing at how it does not fight back.
Scared, that is the only thing the zebra feels, I thought while hiding in the bushes but the cheetahs stopped and back off slowly. The zebra panting and panting and looking at the little alien, asking, “Why are you killing us?”
Her beating heart paused after a stab in the chest, seeing the blurry vision before entering heaven.
I have to find Snail and Lucy until one more member joins in, Gregory. Why is he the most unusual figure I am seeing? With rainbow polka dots, am I dreaming?
“I want a new home, a home I have the freedom to go to, “cried Gregory.
“Me, too. I just want to be myself,” Lucy cried.
“Okay! We all need something like this, “I called out.
Damn, all the animals in the cave. I cannot let them do this. Until then, a human comes over, staring at us, saying, “What are these animals doing here? Have to find the boat they had an exit?”
All of us turned to him, question so quick on how he knows us. He comes closer, touching my face and smile. I smile, too. I hug him.
All of the animals are confused, Lucy and Gregory ran off to the forest. The human yells at them to not enter. Lucy and Gregory still ran off. The human chases them and I tell Snail to hide. I follow him. But Snail wants to join, he wants to fight.
Chapter 3
Running to the shady forest while the sun shines on the island, Lucy climbs up the trees and the first thing she sees is this treehouse. She looks at it a couple of moments until entering in. She feels the wood and it squeaks by her weight. Pile of books like a tower, box of knives and guns, bags of seeds, and a collection of art supplies. Lucy feels the paintbrush, smiling its soft. Her eyes approach a sketchbook. She opens it and there is a pretty butterfly, drawn in colored pencils and someone said, “I was bored while being on this island.”
The human then got chocked by Lucy’s hand, grunting so hard she is about to scream.
“Are you a hunter!?!?!?” Lucy screamed.
“I see. You saw my guns, I am not a hunter, but I use that to kill these fucking aliens. My name is Deigo. Those aliens took my friend and I have to find him,” he whispered. He gently holds Lucy’s right-hand uses his warmth to calm her down. He continues to whispers about loving his partner to Lucy.
“Everyone needs something to love,” Deigo calmly said.
Lucy sees the hands with the human, staring at how much pain she had been holding during her past. Her tears flow down like waterfalls, happy to see some harmony.
I also climb up the treehouse and I smiled some art and furniture the human has. Deigo got up and look at me, smiling at how adorable I am.
“Ah. A quokka”, said Diego. Finally, someone who knows my species.
We gather around at the beach to look for a place to plan out the attack on the aliens while Deigo follows them as he questions me, “What are you going to do now? You are free and do whatever you want.”
I turned to Diego and I said, “If I can deserve my freedom, we must destroy the things that hurt this place,” I said, with my brave face and my knuckles clinching. Diego only hears my squeaking noise. But as Diego understand my message by looking at my knuckles.
“I can say that all of you want the aliens to die. We can do this together. I see you as human, not animal,” moaned Diego.
Diego went back to his treehouse and grab his revolver. However, Lucy follows Diego that she wants to help. Gregory and I look at what is Lucy is doing, as Snail thinks next to me that there is no need to murder someone.
“Instead of killing, why not try talking to them,” Snail worried.
“Snail, I know you hate blood, but these aliens look like monsters,” I turn to Snail, saying how much honor I am pushing in.
Lucy got back to us, holding a spear. She said with stress, “He told me, fight the bad, not the good. I can use this for the zookeepers.”
“Listen, the zookeepers might be dead during the storm. Maybe God kills them for their mistake in taking care of the living organisms,” I said. My heart pounds to Lucy, making me wonder if she will murder the aliens, then Diego. Dropping down to the area, Diego holds his gun and tells us to follow him. Gregory shivers down his spine, looking down as I warn him not to be scared.
“I should head back,” whispered Gregory.
“No way! We might use you for a special effect!” I pointed out as I think of Gregory as the coolest animal the aliens would have experience of. Gregory’s heart pumps hard and when we land on the alien’s territory, we are shocked to see them, talking about the humans.
Diego shot one of the male aliens on the head, running to find his partner while Lucy stabs many of the alien children, staring dying on the inside where her backstory alerts her.
One year ago, it was a summer day at the local Six Zoo, Lucy would smile at the tourist while they are happy to be in the zoo. Lucy was the photo tool for tourists and her insides were destroyed. She used to have a family with four babies until the zookeepers tranquilized her, saying this would be a perfect tourist tool.
It was nighttime, Lucy wishes to kill the humans and escape this zoo but she was too hungry and thirsty since the zookeepers could not feed her in order to escape and kill them. Still, hunger can control the mind, and therefore, Lucy will kill them.
After the summer, Lucy chomped down one of the newbie zookeepers who wants to make money. She cried and cried, looking down at how much hatred she is getting.
But then a steroid-looking zookeeper shows up, with mighty huge muscles, a huge body, and a small head. An ugly face, he grabbed Lucy’s throat and send him to his room.
In the room, Lucy was scared and as the steroid-looking zookeeper hops into the room, he took off his pants and slams Lucy’s face to his crotch.
The next day, Lucy was scared and could not feel her body as the tourist continue to have pictures with her.
As in the present time of murder and weirdness, Lucy found a giant alien that makes her blood boil. She runs up to the giant and stabs him in the right eye. The muscle aliens grab Lucy to the neck, choking so hard until Diego shot down the other eye.
Lucy screams and breathes so much. She fell down and the alien children look at her. One of them said, “It looks like an ugly human.”
“Don’t worry, we can use her as our slave. She looks like a human,” said one of the children’s mothers. Lucy heard the word “slave”.
Anger comes in and runs to the mother with the spear she grabbed. She throws the spear to the mother’s heart, hearing the scream and listening to the teeth grinding from her.
Gregory looks at the massacre until he screamed, “STOPPPPPP!!!!”
Chapter 4
With a lot more aliens in the tribe. They got silent. The leader orders the mothers, children, and young men to go back home.
“Bring me the chief now!!” The alien leader, with red eyes and horns, alerted his comrades, but he turns to us. Diego asked, ”What did you do my friend?”
“Shut up you. I know you come here every day just to get your boyfriend! As your enemy, Flore. I could never do anything to someone like you!” He pointed at Diego as I look into his eyes, body, and feet. All of the aliens are barefoot until Gregory stands while shaking his legs.
“You do not have to do this!” yelled Gregory. I hear pissing from Gregory and I backed off. As the others look at this, they followed my lead. Meanwhile, Snail catches up to us, staring at the alien whose face cringes and backs off his way. Snail then looks down at Gregory and turned back to where he started.
“I can say that no killing us!” He continued.
Diego walked back in a different direction as I continue to stare at Gregory’s plan until Flore looks at the donkey’s design.
“Are you the only one of your species?”
“No! This is paint! The humans did it!!” Gregory shouted.
“Do not shout to me! What the hell, where is the chief!” Flore stomps his right feet.
A bush rustles as the chief, an elder alien with very long horns and a cane. He looks into the donkey and said, “I want this donkey alive. I know a human did it and you thought it is an alien species.”
Gregory feels something up to his head, as I whispered, “Tell them why they are killing us?”
I drop down and run to the bushes. But Lucy asked, “What about me? I could not be a slave of your kind.”
“Not now,” said the chief. He holds up his hand to Lucy and wants Gregory by having the aliens putting ropes to him and follow the chief as he tells a story on how the aliens got to Earth.
A long time ago, the Acidlians enter Earth and onto this island. They call this their home. But when the animals are here, it felt unequal to their land and wants their rule to be all alien. They have to kill them in order to make their world themselves. Until they saw a human, it looks and acts like us. Both walking on two legs and using the mind well. The chief could not kill them but want them as slaves.
According to the human history between the blacks and white, the white used the blacks as slave ignorer to make their work perfect. However, the blacks are like the whites but in different colors.
The Acidlians escape from the Gouldians, aliens who use them as slaves. They chase them and use them as machines.
Gouldians are handsome aliens, with colorful skins and golden eyes.
As such, the Acidians wish them to go away.
Once again, the Acidlians go to Earth to be themselves.
“You don’t explore that much, You aliens are just selfish!” Gregory coughed and drop down to his knees. He continues to cough, looking at his fur as the paint gives him pain. He thought the paint went away during the storm, but since it is super strong, Gregory’s body weakens so much. The chief looks to the poor donkey along with these men, thinking what will happen.
Gregory’s face enters sadness, telling a story about how he is a donkey from a nice farm until one of the farmer’s friends took him and paint his fur for show. He is not himself. But sees how the tourist mostly shocked and smiled at this new feature this donkey has on his fur. His question: how can these people are not calling the cops for me? I know I speak in my donkey language, but will they understand me?”
After the Acidians left Gregory’s dying body, Diego and Lucy grab him and I follow the Acidlians, withhold my anger as I run fast like the wind.
Washing down the paint onto Gregory's fur with ocean water, Deigo and Lucy rub so hard as some of the paint is disappearing. However, Gregory tells them to stop and let him look at the sun.
"No way! We want you to live. Say, what do you do for a living?" Lucy asked with worries.
"Hey. I never heard of that type of question. I remember the time I was a father of two. A father of two," Gregory's eyes burn by the sun after he turns his head, hearing nothing because his brain shuts down. all his body cells are gone. The vessels, skin, and senses: disappear.
Chapter 5
I follow the Acidlians after experiencing my friend’s passing, hearing the cries of Lucy and the depression of Diego. I tiptoe far away until I hit the endpoint: the chief’s hideout. It's a huge tent and has another human being with him, honoring him by opening the curtains and welcoming him. The aliens laugh at him, grabbing his bead and doing something inappropriate to him. I stare at this inane torture and turn myself to go into the tent, I push myself to the tent while the torture is happening.
I hit the mark. The chief is looking at the rug he had made a long time ago, praying to his ancestor and hoping the Gouldians will not come back.
God hates the destruction of a different race. I could not attack him but my gut said so. My mind said to talk. It is like a devil and angel on my shoulders, fighting which one I can do. I decided to walk to the chief and squeak on top of my lungs. The chief turns over and pokes his cane on my head. My face is like a soldier who does not get his freedom, the chief feels my fire.
Upon then, a little alien shows up and calls her grandfather, “Grandfather. I found this conch shell at the beach. There is no animal there but a beautiful sound of the ocean.”
She has short blue hair that shines all over the place, blue on her left eye and yellow on her right. She hands over the conch to her grandfather and has him listen to the ocean. He loves how it sounds like a ghost whispering to his left ear.
“The ocean is one of the reasons why I decided to have the tribe as part of my home. Thank you, Hira,” said the chief.
Hira spoke, “Can I keep this?”
The grandfather agreed. And so, Hira turned back and I followed her to her cave with pictures of her drawing on shells. I look at them but my anger is gone. She turns around after placing her conch on a table and with shock, she screams at me. I hold my hands up and Hira looks so confused, thinking that this quokka is a human.
“I have never seen animals doing aliens' physical language,” she laughs.
“Listen, I want to ask you: why are you harming us?” I asked. She only hears my squeak but she understands that an animal stops talking.
“I never heard of animals pausing something they had spoke,” she points out.
I got an idea. I go inside her cave and pull out one of her drawings while her face is shocked, yelling that she wants to give this to her crush.
I make a paper airplane and shove it to her face. Not really though. She was shocked that I made her a plane that flies up to the sky as the wind blows away, but she looks at me close to my eyes, questioning that I am human or alien or even not. I know the human language and I could not say these aliens are related. However, Spoke to her by writing down the dry sand ground, written:
Why are you killing the animals?
Hira said, “We only kill them for ourselves.”
I yelled to her, “We are like aliens just like you!!! Does another alien harm you because you look different!?!?!?”
Hira drops herself down, weeping how scared she is until I paused, staring the innocent girl into shreds. I come closer, hugged her, and smiled at her face as she saw me like some baby.
She giggles as she thought a hug means an apology. She sees my smile and laughs so hard it's adorable.
“I wish I can understand you. Why would I want to kill you?” asked Hira.
I lead Hira to find her airplane. I run-up to the mountains while Hira follows me.
Chapter 6
Upon the mountains, we see the plane on top of the rocks as Hira picks it up. She tells me, “thank you for everything. But do you have a home?”
“I do have a home. It’s not like Australia, but it kinda reminds me of it. Also, my mom always said to me that as an adult, you are going to live alone,” I said.
Hira giggles and takes me to her cave for a dress-up.
“Next time, but what is your name?” I squeaked.
“Remember me. My name is Hira and I am your friend,” she smiled.
I wave goodbye and run back to Snail. I run so long and found myself a mural for Gregory. Diego, Lucy, and Snail are here and I drop down my knees, and tears flow as I am in pain.
After a long moment of silence, we walk around the forest near Diego’s treehouse and Diego found some bananas for everyone at the tall trees. I found some leaves that are similar to what I eat and pick them up. I smell it and taste it.
Wow! It’s so tasty! And Snail eats grass and enjoys chewing it. All four of us smiled that we have food but Diego want to tell us about animals.
“Animals are like friends. They move, breath, and of course, have feelings for others. I have seen animals as you communicate so well like us,” smiled Diego.
We all smiled but what I can wish is Diego and Hira to understand our English.
Meanwhile, the animals in the cave were hungry but Fredrick thinks of an idea but food distracts him.
“We should find food. But my idea is to get off this island and go back home. We must make a boat and set sail,” Fredrick points out his idea. His family and the gorillas agreed. But the ostriches do not know how to make one as everyone has no idea how to make it.
“I remember the time a boat was made when I was a little hippo. They use wood to do it,” said Hippy the Hippo.
“Good idea! Everyone! Chop some wood from that forest!” commanded Fredrick.
Chopping the wood by their hands and jaws, Bono and Bona see a rope out of nowhere and steal it quickly while the cheetahs spot a cloth also out of place. They steal it quickly and run back to the base where the aliens spot them grabbing their items without permission. They race back to the base and call out a war.
Hira heard the yells of her brothers and hide in the cave, along with several women and children finding a place to cover themselves.
“The animals! We must kill them all!” Yelled the older alien brother, who has green long hair.
“TT, save you energy. I want to know what these animals are doing? Are they planning to attack us back?” Ordered the chief who just came out from his tent.
“But grandpa. They are dumb and foolish!” TT coughed where he points out the direction of the captive animals.
All of the animals are there, building a boat that is bigger than their zoo. After strapping the ropes to connect each large wood stick, the gorillas push it to the shore and hop onto the boat. The curtains are pushing themselves by the wind, leading the travel to the north. But one elephant decided to do something.
“After one of our elephants died from the aliens, I have to avenge my father who died from this alien boy. I cannot use my loyalty to them after what they had done to my dad. I must go. I do care about going back, but I care more about is him,” one of the elephants named Pimples, who have red dots on his entire body hop out of the boat and push it away until it went so far.
“Pimples!!! What do you think you are doing!?! You are going to get yourself killed!” cried Kinna. Pimples did not respond.
“Let the boy go. He is grown now since his father fights all hunters and zookeepers,” the leader of the elephants, Claus grab Hinna’s ear with his trunk. They both see the male elephant running away and finding a hiding spot in the jungle.
All of the aliens enter the shoreline and seeing how confused the animals, thinking they had surrendered or finding a new home.
Entering Diego’s treehouse, we see many of his pictures with his friend who is also his boyfriend. But why is he older and has wrinkles? Why is he look like a serial killer? Why is the human world filled with machines and art? While we are living in a place filled with nature’s creation like trees and grass.
“You may be thinking why he is older than me? Let me tell you,” Diego said in front of us.
Chapter 7
Diego was only ta infant where his mommy and daddy were happy to see him as a baby boy with orange hair and black eyes. But why his name is Diego?
“Dingo, we shall name him Diego. I love it so much. It means supplanter, he will wonder the world,” Dixie Trouble smiled while she is holding baby Diego.
“Why that name? It hurts the Ireland family tree,” Dingo Trouble cried.
“Why give a name so special. I love the Spanish. Well, your name means an animal in Australia. Your name originated in Australia!” Dixie shouted.
“Don’t yell at me when the baby is here!”
During the time around 2001, at the age of one, Diego walks around the park to find acorns while Dixie trailed him around until a man with a black hoodie and long black track pants spots Diego, looking for prey to have a bang. He ran to catch Diego in a flash, smiling to see how pretty he is until Dixie roared and pushed the man in the back before knocking her hard on the ground. He ran away to the bus station while Diego screamed and screamed to wake his mother up. She does not get up but lies there, having a big dizzy inside her mind.
At the man’s small urban home, where there were rarely neighbors, he ties Diego up and starts giving him warm pets around his body.
He is named Reeve Red. His face is slim and has no beard but rusty dark eyes.
Reeve has wrinkles around while he caught the ball from Diego who was 19 years old. Smiling and happy to see his “father” laughing.
“Hey, Reeve. Do you ever meet my parents?” he asked.
“I never met them. I should not go there. They are evil and I want you to be different from them,” Reeve said.
“But why did you kidnapped and raped me?” Diego asked with shivers down his spine.
“I love you,” Reeve blushes.
“I don’t see you as a lover,” Diego said. And so, Diego went back to the house and find his bag. Reeve followed him and found bags filled with clothes and books from the store.
“No. I don’t let you do this!” Reeve shouted. He grabbed Diego by the stomach and tossed him in the bed. He took off his clothes and kisses his entire privates until Diego could not help himself but take his shirt off, all muscular and shiny. They both kissed each other, tongue kissing and licking each other’s bodies.
At night time, Diego is about to go sleep but Reeve got back home after work. He fell down, his mind shuts off and Diego tells him something while he is at home after his face was shocked.
“Reeve. There is no need to have me as long as your life. My cries, scars, and body mean for you, but not for me. I want you to be gentle with me so I can love you,” Diego calmly said.
“You are my precious one. I pick you up so I can’t let you be with those gangsters. Plus, you’re cute,” Reeve muttered.
“If you love children, why do you not steal more children?” Diego asked.
“I only want you. I love the color orange. You are born beautiful,” Reeve turns around to him.
Diego got up and grabs Reeve down to the bed and tuck him tight.
“I did not shower you know,” Reeve slowly said, where Diego’s face was spooked for a moment.
There were moments Reeve takes Diego around the world from seven to eighteen and it was fun for the boy to learn the world. Even he has an album of the pictures he took there. It was a happy time for both Reeve and Diego. But Diego wished to give this book to his parents.
“I never learn my own religion or anything my original parents give out, like traditions or celebrations. I never learn who I am until Reeve tells me that he is part Korean and Welsh.” Deigo said to us while we are listening to his story.
When Diego was excited about vacation, he wants to be with other people during his travels.
“We had been on Spain and Vegas and so many other places. I got a place for you. We are moving to a new home!” Reeve cried with joy.
An own island and Diego was excited. They packed their bags and set off to the boats with Reeve’s own small boat.
Sail down from America to somewhere near Australia, Reeve and Diego hold each other’s hand and Reeve understands his language of love towards Diego.
Until then, there was a huge whale attack where it splashed down the boat and send them to the island they were at called home.
During the next five days, Diego wants to go back but Reeve fights him, saying that America is no more and start a new life.
“I am too young!” Diego cried.
“I know, but what happens if it pointless and taught you nothing?”Reeve shouted. Then, Diego thought about his past as Reeve’s slave and how school distracts his future.
“You are right. I can live here. No paying bills and seeing rude people,” Deigo smiled.
Sure, this story hurts our soul. Diego’s name means wonders and what if he changes his mind? Moving places does not mean your change. Its makes you learn something new, putting the knowledge for your brain.
This angers me as I yelled, “Why listening to this rapist and find your own path!!! Finding yourself is better than following a rapist!!! You are just stupid!!! STUPID!! STUPID!!! STUPID!!!!!”
Diego hears my roars, but Lucy and Snail understand.
Chapter 8
At night time, Diego pulls his revolver once again and plans to find a secret attack while Lucy joins him with her spear. Snail and I watch over the treehouse.
After they left, I apologized to Snail again after my rage. Snail understands my struggles.
Snail was a young tortoise at his island where home was a place for him to be free but got taken by zookeepers for entertainment and educational purpose. However, in his new home, he is still happy he has a home and be free.
“I feel like this is a vacation, but my mind wants to go home,” Snail cried. His habitat smells funky because there is a dead tortious thereafter the zookeeper calls out his name, Sloth.
He was also a Pinta Island Tortoise just like me. But he died and I am scared of what will happen next.
Sitting down at night time where Snail’s new home is just a glass window, a painting of trees and grass that looks like a jungle, and an air conditioner. He is shivering, so he tucks down his shell. Speaking of shell, Snail has a second home just like Pinta Island.
Snail, his name was like this because he’s the smallest of his family. But he has a big brain to find knowledge.
A zoo. For each habitat, it has a minimum space to live until an animal gets crazy just like having claustrophobia.
A home. For each room, it has a maximum space to live until an animal decided to get out of the house if it wants to.
Snail’s home. Fine sand, rocks, grass, and sea to breathe well. What he loves, never stops him to go back.
“You see, Clay. Go back home is what you need. Just like childhood, it never stops you. It wants you if you remember much,” Snail smiled.
“A tortoise is like an old man,” I said. During this time, we find Diego’s scrapbooks and drawings.
One of the drawings is his mother and father. Both have orange hair, dark black eyes, and look similar to each other. I am shocked and took the book away!
Snail remembers the time he was an infant, he saw his father and friend running towards rock and hide with their shells no hunters caught their eye and left.
Snail also remembers the zoo makes him be alone, expressing himself on who he is. Until he is done being alone. He was sad. Lonely. Depressed.
The boat was filled with animals and rescuers as it made Snail met me, a quokka who needs a friend to protect. We look at each other in the cage and smiled.
“Are you okay?” Snail asked.
“I am fine. Just lonely and nobody wants to talk to me,” I frowned.
“I’m Snail. I am a Pinta Island Tortoise. What is your name?” He asked with a smile.
“I’m Clay the quokka,” I cheered.
“What is a quokka?” Snail asked.
“What is a tortoise?” I asked. We were both confused by each other’s species. Both have a special type of animal and we are endangered animals.
Considering that Snail is the last of his kind, I was so sad to hear about this since our kind, quokkas, are about to go die because of habitat loss. Without our site faces and fat body, no people would smile our disappearance.
For Snail, people would also feel sad about themselves for what they had done to the tortoise’s kind. Without Snail, there would be no such things as subspecies of the Galapagos Tortoise.
It is midnight. Diego and Lucy are not back yet. Damn.
“Snail, I want you to look over the treehouse! I will find Diego and Lucy tomorrow! They must be kidnapped by the aliens!!” I said.
“I want to help! You thought a slow animal will die, no! I used to bite people! So please!!!” Snail argued. I look at him sharply, listening to his mind of pleasure. I agreed with him and tell him to bring a gun.
The next day, we went out to the hideout of the aliens. I first saw Hira who is holding flowers for her dead brothers. She said, “I am giving these flowers to my dead brother who died from an elephant.”
Hold up. An elephant. I must say. Elephants love to have respect for others since their spirit souls represent love. However, there are five elephants and whom could it be.
Claus, who is the leader of the group and struggles and wants to go back to the zoo, even know their habitats were so small all of them almost pass out.
Kinna, the daughter of Claus and the youngest one. A teen who also loves the zoo and plans someday she will take over this place.
Maggie, the sister of Claus and hates the zoo since she is the only elephant who wants to go back to Asia. However, she always “dance” the entire day of the zoo.
Ban, the oldest elephant who wants everyone to be with each other. He is old and follows his leader, who he was, a leader of a peaceful elephant gang. He does not want his own kind to die, on the other hand.
Lastly, is Pimples, who is a young male who has red dots on his face, where he might have ticks on his entire body. Poor guy.
So I conclude this mystery: Ban, the elephant who wants peace for the aliens. But he does not like killing. Whom could it be?
Chapter 9
The aliens decide to hunt down the elephant who killed Hira’s brother. All men raise their arrows and spears. They march down from the hideout to the caves where no animal is there. However, an elephant comes stomping down the pathways and kicks some of the aliens in front of him. He blows his trunk and swings it around the men, leaving them unconscious.
He pushes them with his tusk and throws them at the ocean.
Into the water, it goes and the blood of the elephant makes it burn down his skin!!!
He cried while the aliens shoot their arrows and spears at him, leaving him hurt.
He roared, “Nobody!! I mean nobody shall kill other species because you are new here!!”
Holy shit! I see the young elephant with red dots! Pimples!
What is he doing here as Snail and I watch this hellhole, where Pimples wails his ticks are disappearing from the acid but his skin is about the be open flesh.
Wailing and wailing as Pimple looks into the aliens, he cried, “I would like to say a warm welcome but since you killed my friends, I must end you!”
Yes, elephants are dangerous when approaching them, but they are also at giving karma. Bad karma where a dumb human goes off hunting an endangered animal, the animals will have to kill them in order to live.
I want to find Lucy and Diego but Snail tells me to hold off, staring at the weakening Pimples dropping down his body as the aliens continue killing him.
Darn. It was over three hours. One of the aliens smacks Pimple’s flesh and tastes the meat of this dead elephant. With ticks crawling and acid running down the flesh, the male smiled, saying it could be tonight’s feast of victory.
“After the beast who killed one of my best friends. We will celebrate and give the honor of GG,” Greed said.
Greed was given a pat on the back by TT and he announces to go back to base.
It is about sunset and anger flows in my body. But we hide from the aliens who are approaching the jungle. They left poor Pimple laying there when all of a sudden flies approach his body. I jump in to ask Pimple, “Why did you not leave the gang!?! You cannot die like this!! You are one of the strongest animals out here! Use your respect to them!”
“I just want revenge. For my father who died from these aliens. Please, Clay. I am happy my disease is gone,” Pimples closed his eyes and his breath disappeared. I could feel his air from his trunks and his pulse went silent. The flesh holes grow worse until the stomping of the aliens alerts the two animals to hide.
I ran but Snail went missing. I panic so much I am about to have a heart attack.
Chapter 10
Hira is holding a strange rock withhold as she is struggling to carry it to her cave. I ran to find Snail until I see Hira hold him. I squeaked at Hira and she listens to my cries.
“Hi, friend! What brings you here today?” She asked with a smile. I jumped down and push off Snail to the ground. But since his shell is so durable, it smacks a sound as TT hears the danger. Saying that something is coming, he runs off to find Hira’s cave until she looks into him with confusion.
“I hear something that can kills!” He snarled.
“I hear some also but maybe someone was holding a large rock,” Hira said. She smiled after TT walked away. She enters the cave and tells us to leave this place.
I push Snail out of here and go back to the treehouse. Snail whispered to me, “What about Diego and Lucy?”
Hira saw a note on her notebook that said: Call these names: Diego and Lucy. Send them to the treehouse at midnight. Sincerely, Clay the Quokka.
Walking to her grandfather’s tent, she calls Diego and Lucy’s name. Her grandfather notices something strange about his granddaughter and she walked away until calling more and more and more of the same name.
At the office of the secondary commander who is named Spencer sees Hira opens up and sees the tall alien with red eyes, a long chin, and a slim body. So tall it is like a tower, she said.
Upon him asking, “What do you want, little girl?”
She wants Diego and Lucy.
“Oh. These two fouls. I have not had time to talk to them but please leave so I can finish up the missions reports for your other brothers and his friends,” he brags off Hira and she left with urges.
After his reports and calling some of the males, he went down to check a well the was hidden for a short time. He falls down ten feet and he first sees darkness.
“Diego and Lucy. I tied you up for reasons. Both look like us and have a similar knowledge as us. Please. I want you to be part of us,” Spencer said.
“Listen. I want the reasons who you are killing animals. We are animals and so you are,” Diego shouted.
“Shut the fuck up! We are aliens and we are different from you bitches! Join us or you will die!!” Spencer roared.
Lucy is about to rip off the rope and success it is, she rages it up and jumps to Spencer. Punching and kicking him until Spencer slaps her face.
Down to the ground, Diego got up and grab Spencer’s right hand. Spencer smiled and kick Diego’s ballsacks.
He yells and drops his knees.
Hira, at the time, wants to find me but Lucy’s cries alert her. She turns to see Lucy hitting Spencer’s back and dragging Diego’s body to his tent. Hira tip-toe towards Spencer and goes behind him as Spencer does not notice the little girl. She hides near the well after Spencer covers them with leaves and branches.
Hiding until it is midnight, Hira hops out of the well and slowly goes inside Spencer’s tent. sHe first see Spencer writing down a novel based on the island.
“Someday, I want to see the entire world. I want all animals to die and even humans who are going to treat us like trash,” he whispered to himself.
Hira crawled and find Diego and Lucy tied in again. She uses her shark claws and rips out the ropes. She pulls her finger to shush the two and follow the exit. They both listen and look into Spencer while writing down.
Spencer notices the three escaping without yelling and throwing them to death. After the three escape, they quickly run to the treehouse and Spencer enters the chase. He sprints down the three with no screaming but scaring them to make them run faster.
They quickly go into different oaths as Hira calls Spencer that the intruders are with her. Spencer licks his lips and dash to the innocent girl, distracting him as Diego and Lucy are far away from her. They must rush to the treehouse and upon them is me and Snail, reading a diary. Diego walk close to us and said, “Do you understand what I wrote?”
I nodded. Snail did not. I remember reading when we found a lost book from someone who is passing out. We were babies and while my parents find herbs for him, we start reading out loud, “Gulliver’s Travel”.
We open the page and see tons of words, it makes up shiver our spines but we can do it until my mom told us to stop.
Hira chases down to the sea and dives in the waves where it is so big it drives her away from the island. She swam back to shore but her right hand caught by Spencer. He smiled to Hira that she is in trouble and sending her to his tent. Hira bites Spencer’s hand and tosses herself away to the treehouse. Spencer screams but got an idea to get her back here by using her favorite snack: mangos and strawberries.
Hira looks upon the treehouse as she enters. She stares so long at the supplies until Diego tells her there are no such things as a different brain.
“You see. As humans, we can write and draw. Just like you,” said Diego.
“I don’t understand. How long have you been here?” Hira asked.
“Twenty years ago. But I never explore much around Earth, I don’t know what it looks like. I care about my freedom than money and rules by the government. My job: is showing who I really am,” Diego continued.
“Wow. How are you not scared of us?” Hira sat down and feel the wood where it is smooth and rough at the same time.
Hmm. When we were at the zoo, I saw this kid wearing an alien shirt. I know a bit about aliens and all people love aliens and glad to see one someday. Aliens are cool but I am worried that people will be racist to them.
I jumped to Diego’s desk and grab his notebook and a small pencil. I wrote down an essay about the alien and human connection.
Everyone looked at me, thinking what am I doing?
After it was finished, I hand it to Hira. She looked confused at first until she reads it out loud. I tell her to shush because of Spencer.
“You are right. Well, these notes said ‘Hira, you are young and you don’t know why your people are killing the animals. For humans, you think of them as your subspecies. As for us, we think of them as the mightiest brains of all time. Well, there is more. Hira, understand us. We have brains and we think about others also. So please Hira, tell your leader to stop.’ I mean. I am young and he will not trust me.” Hira gloomed.
As she knows now know, Hira wants to stay here for a while until morning.
“Why is that?” Diego asked.
“It’s dark, well it's near my place. But I like to sleep here, it's warm,” she answered.